No. 22, Xinxing East Road, Xincheng Street, Ruian City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
The reason for the formation of carbon deposits: The engine power is generated when the engine piston moves downward, sucking the gasoline-air mixer into the cylinder, and then pushing the piston upward will compress the oil and gas into highly flammable gas. Finally the spark plug ignites to detonate it. The mixer is the source of power. It enters the combustion chamber directly after entering the valve. However, a small part of the gasoline will adhere to the intake valve. When the engine is hot, the gasoline cannot completely burn the hydrocarbons and paraffin. Burnt into glue carbon. You must know that the rubber carbon has the characteristic of absorbing gasoline, so this layer of rubber carbon will absorb gasoline, and a vicious cycle will lead to an increase in carbon deposits, and eventually the engine will not work properly.
Do you know what types of carbon deposits there are? Simply put, they can be divided into two types. One is carbon deposits in the valve combustion chamber, and the other is carbon deposits in the intake pipe.
Prevention and removal of carbon deposits
1. Fill the car with high-quality gasoline. Cars are tools like people. They need to be well-fed and well-fed to stay healthy for a long time. Therefore, I suggest you choose high-quality gasoline when refueling.
2. Avoid idling for long periods of time. The longer the idle time is, the longer it will take for the engine to reach normal temperature. After the gasoline is sprayed on the back of the valve, the evaporation rate will slow down, so carbon deposits will appear. The air flow entering the engine during idling is small, and the flushing effect on carbon deposits is reduced, resulting in the precipitation of more carbon deposits.
3. Frequently drive at high speeds and increase the shifting speed of manual cars. Obviously, running at high speeds is to make full use of the air flow to flush the intake pipe to avoid the precipitation of carbon deposits. Increasing the shifting speed is also to effectively prevent the generation of carbon deposits, improve the power of the car, and reduce knocking that occurs when the shifting speed is too low.
4. Choose the right time to kill the car. For vehicles with turbochargers, do not shut down the car immediately when driving at high speed. Run it at idling speed for about ten minutes before shutting down the car, because cars equipped with turbochargers accumulate carbon faster. As long as the routine maintenance conditions are met, the system should be cleaned every 30,000 kilometers or so, which can effectively reduce the impact of carbon deposits on the engine.
5. Clean the car's air intake system regularly. Cleaning the car's air intake system is the best and necessary method. This is the most effective way to reduce the formation of carbon deposits. The poster should be more diligent in his daily life. Don't just focus on cleaning yourself. You should also clean your car every once in a while.
6. Use car cleaner to reduce car carbon deposits. Simply put, the formation of car carbon deposits is due to the presence of unclean substances in gasoline. It is recommended to choose a cleaner specifically for cleaning cars. Regular cleaning can remove the carbon deposit particles on the metal surface.
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